Architected a Golang service to relay embedded comm panel data back to
acoustic models, enabling higher fidelity in a major flight simulator
Designed an agent in Golang to simultaneously deploy software updates to
100s of connected Windows workstations.
Integrated an AI transcription model into legacy recording software so
customers can search for radio transmissions by keyword, saving hours of
playing back audio.
Experimented with virtual machine job threading on my own initiative,
improving the build time of our primary product by ~45%.
Software Engineer Intern — ASTi
Summer 2021
Developed C++ plugin to stream real-time data for compatibility with a
previously unsupported product.
Remedied a Golang application using the Windows API so users can easily
switch audio devices.
WebXR Engineer — 3Data
June – Dec 2020
Rescued core data visualization library from the brink of retirement by
porting plotting algorithms to modern browser APIs.
Organized a TypeScript compilation pipeline to boost code quality of VR
business visualizations.
Assisted with a React-based management page as a part-time employee after
the internship.
Software Engineer Intern — Leidos
Summer 2019
Prototyped a product to stream results from CUDA AI models on devices with
poor internet connection.
Researched and wrote scripts to automate the highest-burden tasks involved
in provisioning and authenticating large fleets of IoT devices.
Apprentice — U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Summer 2017
Created C++ application that synchronized eye- and head-trackers to
determine the real-world accuracy of each device.
Won 2nd place in IT division for presentation of project.
University of Virginia
Class of 2022
Overall GPA 3.91
Relevant courses: Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra 1&2, Discrete Math,
Computer Architecture, Algorithms, Elementary Numerical Analysis, Basic Real
Analysis, Linear Programming
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology